Saturday, August 9, 2008

Well, it sure has been awhile since posting here. Mainly because nothing very exciting has happened lately worth sharing...until now!
The other day, I discovered a website called (, and ever since then, I've been hooked. In a nutshell, it is facebook for music. You can sign up for free, create a profile on the site, and then you download a small program onto your computer (it's not adware or spyware or anything malicious like that), and it connects with the music software on your computer (iTunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player, etc.) and tracks all the music you listen to on your computer and any mp3 player you might have. From there, it "scrobbles" your listened-to music (publishes it onto your profile automatically), and automatically creates charts of your music based on how many times you've listened to it. Your profile shows various charts such as "most listened artists", "most listened songs", etc. Also, it gives you other band/artist recommendations based on what you listen to the most, and it lets you listen to songs online from any artist they have in their system so you can try out new music. You can "friend" people just like on facebook/myspace, you can search for people by similar music tastes, and your profile has a wall just like facebook. I encourage all of you to at least check it out, you don't have to join to look at my profile, and if you decide to give it a try, be sure to add me to your friends. Here's a link to my profile: