Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pets are fun

For those of you who didn't already know, Heather and I are staying at her father's and stepmother's house for the summer. It's fun, and as an added bonus, they have 5 pets (2 dogs and 3 cats) that have been keeping us company. I've decided to make this entry about them, including pictures taken by yours truly.


Sadie is a lab, and she's the bigger and older of the 2 dogs here, but if you're outside and she sees you grab a stick, she becomes as playful as a puppy. She has some issues with her hips so she can't run too too fast, and when she is laying down, she likes to lift her feet in the air, apparently it makes her hips feel better, and I think it's funny because she looks like she's playing dead:


Scooby is a Jack Russel Terrier, and although he's small, he's got boundless amounts of energy. He's also the loudest thing in this household, because he'll bark at nearly anything he sees or hears. It's the worst when another dog is walking by the house, or if a diesel truck (UPS or otherwise) is within earshot. He's a good dog though, and we all love him.


Tiny is a Siamese cat who is very shy with people and animals. It took us a week of living here before he would even come out of his hiding place underneath the recliner. I'm actually surprised I was able to get this many shots of him. Tiny is funny because when he meows, it's much louder than your average cat, and it's kind of a double-meow (Meeeooowwww-oooooowwwwww). Lemme tell ya, his loud double-meow has a tendency to scare the crap out of me when I'm not expecting it, for example, if it's the middle of the night and pitch dark and I've gotta get up to take a leak. I didn't really like cats too much before, simply because they made me sneeze like crazy, but ever since getting on a daily regimen of Clairitin, I haven't had to blow my nose more than once a day, which I can take.


Don't ask why this cat has 2 names, it's too long of a story. We all call her both names, just about equally too, so there really is no preference. Snickers (or Deedle) is a long-hair cat (again, thank god for Claritin), and she acts like the Princess of the house. As you can see from the photos, she couldn't be bothered to come out from behind the couch to take a couple pictures. This cat is the reason we always have to keep the door to our bedroom closed, because if it's open, even a crack, she'll prance right in there and do as she pleases. Among her favorite things to do in our room: claw at anything made of cloth, and plop herself down on our bed and not move for hours. Don't get me wrong, she's a pretty nice cat when she's not acting like a bitch.

I don't have any pictures of Sam becuase he's an outside cat, and I really only see him around once or twice a week, for maybe 2 minutes at a time. All I can tell you about Sam is that he's black, and this time of year his fur is usually covered in the oil from the ever-popular poison ivy plant, so we try to avoid touching Sam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww. This was really great! Too bad you didn't get a shot of Brenda holding Tiny like a baby.